
Ai piedi della chiesetta di San Giorgio,nel comune di Brazzano (GO), son ubicati i vigneti che danno origine a questo vino frutto di un blend di vitigni tipici delle nazioni confinanti con l’Italia.




A gift from Nature over the millennia.
The substrate of the Collio hills is called “Ponca”. It is a unique soil both in terms of composition and structure, which masterfully confers the mineral note that distinguishes the wines produced in these hills.


The river Judrio (Idrija in Slovenian), located downstream of Colle San Giorgio has represented for centuries a natural border, first between the county of Gorizia and the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia, then between the Habsburg Empire and the Kingdom of Italy. During the Habsburg domination, the production of white wines in the area was monopolised by the nobles and mainly destined for the Carinthian market.
The Collio physically and politically was a unique area that after the end of the Second World War was divided between Italy and Yugoslavia, with the peace treaty of Paris. Currently the largest part of the area, called Brda, belongs to the Republic of Slovenia. A unifying element between the two areas, in addition to the common vocation for viticulture, is the cultural footprint of Central European origin

The Unique Terroir

The company vineyard is located in the Collio, a hilly area located on the eastern border of Friuli and Italy, particularly suited for excellent viticulture: its natural continuation is the Slovenian Collio, or Brda, from which it was separated following the peace treaties that ended the Second World War.
The unique type of soil, called Ponca in Friulian language, consisting of an alternation of layers of marl and sandstone of ancient Eocene origin, gives an extraordinary minerality to the wines and its mild and temperate microclimate, thanks to the influence of the nearby sea, increases salinity.